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Posted on 17 July 2013 by Ceris Burns

Eyes on the prize – why industry awards matter

Awards exist for practically every area of business nowadays – so much so that some organisations view them with a certain air of cynicism. Many companies believe that award organisers simply hand out accolades to the biggest players in the industry. Others feel that magazine-led schemes actually only recognise the organisations that have invested an impressive advertising budget that year.

On the surface such perceptions are easy to understand, yet dig a little deeper and a number of credible initiatives exist to truly reward the businesses who work hard and make a difference.

The Golden Service, Clean Britain and Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Awards for instance, are highly contested schemes that recognise cleaning and environmental best practice. Both the entry and judging processes are well thought out, meaning the entrant must invest time and effort into compiling a quality submission. This is of course where a talented PR company comes in!

Facts, evidence and endorsements all combine to make a credible entry that will capture the judges’ attention. The hard work invested at this entry stage is certainly worth it if the submission is consequently ranked amongst the most elite.

Pride should of course be taken in reaching the shortlisting phase. National award schemes can attract hundreds, if not thousands of entries, so standing out is not easy.

Scooping the highest accolade is an even bigger achievement. Of course there’s the overwhelming buzz associated with taking centre stage to collect a prestigious trophy. But when the ceremony is over, the magnitude of such award success really hits home. The achievement is likely to attract media coverage, which heightens brand awareness, strengthens existing client perceptions and undoubtedly draws potential new business. An award can add a greater level of business credibility too, which can energise the workforce and help to retain all-important talent.

Like many strands of marketing, it is a case of determining the best-fit opportunities for your company. Why not talk to CBI to find out how an award could benefit you?

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