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Posted on 19 April 2012 by Ceris Burns

Make sure you’re seen at Interclean!

The global cleaning industry is gearing up for Interclean Amsterdam, which is now just a few weeks away (8-11 May). Exhibiting at trade shows and events, whether abroad or at home, is a great way for companies to meet new clients, promote their services, launch new products and network with colleagues. However, it can use a substantial part of a company’s marketing budget so it makes sense to maximise your investment. Opportunities to publicise your products, generate sales leads, and speak to existing customers should form a major part of your communication campaign, and the planning must start well in advance of the show dates.

This is where a good PR agency can help by making sure you have maximum exposure before, during and after the show. Activities could include:

  • Pre-show: Articles and news items in key industry titles and show preview features, to publicise your company’s appearance and the products/services it will be promoting.
  • At the show: Press packs written and made available at the show’s press office; arrange interviews with journalists/editors; update Twitter feeds and website with news from the show and photos of the stand; stand competitions to encourage visitors to submit their contact details.
  • Post-show: Articles and press releases with results from the show and any industry trends that were emerging through feedback from clients and colleagues; help with follow-up communication to prospective new clients who visited the stand.

So, the show really does go on – even when you have packed up the stand and gone home! Effective and timely PR can help to build on the impression made at the event and bring business benefits to your company for months after, and beyond. If you’re exhibiting at the UK’s next big cleaning event, The Cleaning Show 2013, it’s definitely not too early to start thinking about how you’re going to create an impression!

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