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Our Blog

Posted on 24 September 2013 by Ceris Burns

Understanding what makes journalists tick

In the competitive world of media, column inches are often in short supply. Developing strong journalist relationships is therefore incredibly important.

At Ceris Burns International we do this by following five fundamental principles:

  • Doing our research

Before we contact any journalist, we research the style of the publication/website and its audience. This ensures that we’re not asking questions we should already know the answers to, and it increases the likelihood that we’ll be able to provide a relevant editorial contribution.

  •  Delivering the facts

A press release or feature article that simply glosses over a subject area or delivers a sales pitch will not capture a journalist’s attention. Written content must include facts and add value for the reader.

  • Being prepared

If a journalist likes an initial idea, we ask for a word count and deadline. It is important to be organised so that a well-written article can be prepared and the involvement of any relevant parties sought in time. If you meet a journalist’s brief, they will undoubtedly remember you next time.

  • Remembering that a picture tells a thousand words

Sent as an email attachment, a good quality image is often what a journalist will look at first. It can be the difference between an editorial achieving in-depth coverage, a short mention, or no exposure whatsoever.

  • Not just relying on who we know

Journalists, like many professionals, move on to progress in their careers, meaning editorial teams are often subject to change. We have to remain abreast with these comings and goings, to help safeguard the relationships we’ve worked hard to build.

If you think Ceris Burns International could be the missing link between your organisation and the media, then call us on +44(0)1825 714329 or complete our short enquiry form.


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