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Our Blog

Posted on 17 July 2013 by Ceris Burns

We all have a voice – but is yours being heard?

At a recent waste management conference, a debate unfolded which questioned the extent to which environmental professionals effectively project their voices. Some argued that more needs to be done to raise the profile of waste and recycling leaders, if the Government, local authorities and general public are to become better inspired to commit to the UK’s resource agenda.

Highlighting clients’ authoritative opinions is something we do every day at CBI. Whilst the industry continues to experience significant change, many companies are looking to the experts for guidance, leadership and advice. Trade journal editors also understand this thirst for knowledge, so creatively written columns are highly sought after.

Quite often a number of readers will concur with the points raised in such commentary, and many will ask themselves why they didn’t share the viewpoint themselves. The answer is usually three-fold – a lack of confidence, not enough time and the feeling that perhaps it is someone else’s responsibility to take a stance. A hard-working PR company will tackle the first two ‘problems’, ensuring comments are considered, engaging and evidenced. With regard to the third reservation, the UK has so much potential to progress in its approach to resource efficiency, that now is definitely not the time to sit back and do nothing.


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