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Posted on 14 March 2016 by adtrak.admin

Countering the threat of terrorism

Reviewing and adapting existing security measures is the essential starting point, explains Rob Hanratty, Operations Director at Charter Security, a Grosvenor Services company.

A culture of security
A culture of security

It is essential that organisations remain highly vigilant and prepared for a potential attack, with the threat of terrorism in the UK currently assessed as severe by MI5.  The Paris atrocities included attacks on a stadium, restaurants and bars, and showed how vulnerable crowded places can be. Businesses can reduce the risk by remaining alert, being security minded and having good security measures in place.

In the first instance, security users should refer to specialist sources of counter-terrorism information. Since 2006, information about the national threat level has been available on the MI5 and Home Office websites, and guidance and advice is provided by counter-terrorism security advisers (CTSAs) to businesses to help address their security concerns.

Although actual attacks have so far been infrequent, it is possible that you may find yourself or your organisation caught up in a terrorist incident. This might include having to deal with a bomb threat or with suspect items sent through the post or left on the premises. It might take the form of attacks on vital information or communication systems, causing disruption and economic damage. Terrorism also includes threats or hoaxes designed to frighten and intimidate. Some institutions may be more at risk than others, especially if they have a higher public profile, but other factors can also play a part, such as the location of your business or if the building is iconic in some way.

Review and adapt

Before considering any changes to your security, you should review what you already have in place to make sure it is line with counter-terrorism advice. Remember that many of the security precautions typically used to deter criminals are also effective against potential terrorist attacks. You may have existing measures such as vehicle access control and security guarding on which you can build and adapt to make sure they remain accurate, based on current threat levels and risks.

Review and test these existing measures regularly and particularly when there’s a change to UK threat levels. Conduct fresh risk assessments to identify your vulnerabilities, the threats you might be facing and their likelihood. Priorities for protection include staff, visitors and contractors; assets including business and building life support systems; and processes including business operations and supply chains. Decide which security measures need updating in light of new threats and developments.

A culture of security

Make security awareness part of your organisation’s culture and ensure security is represented at a senior level. If there isn’t a security manager within the business then ensure there is a Cross-sector Safety & Security Communications (CSSC) registered representative within the organisation to receive and disseminate relevant security information. Ensure the representative has regular contact with your nominated CTSA, and encourage your security guarding provider to supply your contract with Project Griffin trained officers. This is a police initiative which has been recognised as national best practice to protect cities and communities. It co-ordinates the resources of police, emergency services, local authorities, business and the private security sector. You should also encourage business staff and decision makers to attend Project Argus events. Developed by the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) and delivered by CTSAs throughout the UK, sessions provide practical advice on how to prevent, handle and recover from an attack.

While protection is primarily the role of security personnel, all staff should be on the alert for threats and security should be seen as everyone’s responsibility. Investment in security could be undermined by someone who wasn’t aware of the procedures, doing something as inadvertent as using a fire exit as a short cut. It is important to remain observant to surroundings, question irregularities and never assume. All staff should be aware of security procedures and receive proper training. Make internal processes easy for staff to be able to report any suspicious behaviour.

Reducing the risks

Practical steps that businesses should take to reduce the risk and be prepared for every eventuality include ensuring good basic housekeeping throughout your premises. Keep public areas tidy and well-lit, remove unnecessary furniture and keep outside areas clear. This will make it easier to monitor for suspect items or suspicious behaviour near external exits, receptions or areas where staff or visitors congregate.

Keep entrance points to a minimum and make them as secure as possible. Access control is important as this means only those individuals with agreed security clearance will be granted access to your premises.

Issue staff and visitors with passes and carefully check their credentials. The background of any contractors working on your site should be carefully checked. Where possible, do not allow unauthorised vehicles close to your building. Visitors should be briefed in advance on site access and parking procedures.

A bomb or Improvised Explosive Device (IED) is one of the possible serious threats an organisation can face and could take the form of a letter or parcel bomb. Review your mail-handling procedures and consider establishing a mailroom away from your main premises. Before approaching any suspicious package turn off any equipment with a wireless signal. Some IEDs are detonated wirelessly so there is a small possibility that transmitting via a radio or receiving a call whilst near the item could interfere with its signal and set the device off. If you feel the item is suspicious then contact the police. Never touch or tamper with the item, put anything on top of it or put it in water.

Responding to emergencies usually involves a number of agencies, including local authorities, the police and emergency services. The successful evacuation of staff depends on the efforts of building management and security, it is vital therefore that everyone is conversant with the building evacuation procedures and routes.


Routine security patrols of premises are an excellent way to deter those with criminal intentions and to identify any areas of concern. Having security officers working in conjunction with technical solutions such as a camera monitoring service is generally most effective.

Terrorists have to conduct hostile reconnaissance in order to research potential targets and plan an attack. This is the deliberate observation of people, vehicles and locations with the intention of collecting information to inform the planning of a hostile attack. If this can be deterred and disrupted at an early stage, it is likely they will abandon their plans. Security officers that have attended Project Griffin will be aware of hostile reconnaissance techniques employed by persons with potential unlawful motives.

Appropriate technology

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the security sector and can help to deter an attack and facilitate fast and effective communication between security services, security personnel, staff and the public in emergency situations.

CCTV, remote access systems and thermal cameras, video analytics, biometrics and digital HD IP systems help to prevent attacks.  These security systems must be both sustainable and flexible. The security landscape is always changing in terms of threat levels and risks, so the technology also needs to be adaptable so it can be reconfigured to address changing and new priorities, ensuring future proofing is addressed at all stages.

Be prepared

A terrorist attack is devastating emotionally and financially, but the risk can be minimised with effective precautions. If you find yourself in an emergency, knowing what to do can help to protect you, your colleagues and your business. In the first instance, heed the advice specialist sources of counter-terrorism information and find out more about what you need to do to secure and protect your premises from potential security threats.

Published in Risk UK – Page 44

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